Tag Archives: sleep

Sleeping Beauty

“If I could just sleep for a bit.” My thoughts yersterday while in a matt 🙂 I was tired and a cat nap would have been the greatest gift but as you are aware, I pay my chauffeur daily and they change daily, so that was not the brightest idea. Nikiibiwa, as in, if the whole of me and not just my belongings are stolen. Scary thoughts implanted by my mother. And thus, my beauty eyes remained open even as my brain shut down slowly. Totally not fair.

I have a pal who states “those people you see sleeping in matts and buses in the morning are demotivated employees”. The crux of her argument is that if you are a motivated employee you will be up and happy and the excitement will keep you awake on your journey to work. That explanation holds no water for me as it could just be you slept late or your journey to work is as long at the Dakar-Paris rally and a snooze helps cure the boredom while passing time.

But let us address this ‘kugawa shamba habits’. Them people who sleep confidently and happily in matts and we know some are woken up only to discover they passed their stop awhile back. My wish is that all those men (yes one gender displays this habit more) who decide my shoulder is a pillow would get this message. So you get into a matt sit and black out, kange wakes you up, you pay and then have the major blackout. And while you are snoozing away the person next to you is struggling to get you off their shoulder or lap, yes a dude has ever ended up on my lap! The sad bit is when sleeping while sitted, the body plays embarrasing games. Your head is bobbing like a marionette’s, whilst your trunk is going round and round. And ofcourse you look ridiculous. The unfortunate bit, is that most of these offenders are heavier than the victim and waking them up politely is a task, you just can’t shake a stranger. So prod, slight shake, fella moves about, push offending head away, fella still asleep, now you want to yell for help, and voila he opens his eyes, looks at you through the cloud of sleep and says nothing! Not even excuse me. Farm animal!

On a light note, a pal once dozed off in a matt, woke up and she believes (how would she know) that the fella who was sitted next to her paid her fare. She did the polite thing, got off the matt and disappeared never to be seen again 😀 Why did this man pay? Fine chic catching some winks or was it a WWJD moment for him? Heaven only knows! I should try that out end month, I will not completely black out but will keep my eyes closed. I have a funny feeling the Kenyan brother I will be sitted next to will be those crude fellas who will rattle my bones away in the name of a wake up call. Oh well you can’t have it all.

Now I is sleepy.

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